What Every Business Owner Should Know About The Law: Essential Considerations for New Business Startups

What reality tv does not cover when set on a business background, is how hard it could be to run a business. What is also never covered are the legal obligations that have to be met or risk fines, fees and other penalties, and even losing your business entirely.

Table Of Contents

  • Business Registration and Structure
    • Introduction to Business Structures
    • Sole Proprietorship
    • Partnership
    • Limited Liability Company (LLC)
    • Corporation (S-Corp or C-Corp)
    • State-Specific Registration and Regulations
    • Summary and Professional Advice​​.
  • Licenses and Permits
    • General Business License
    • Zoning and Land Use Permits
    • Health Department Permits
    • Professional Licenses
    • Environmental Permits
    • Sales Tax License
    • Special Federal Business Licenses or Permits
    • Example Scenarios and Legal Guidance​​.
  • Employment Laws
    • Minimum Wage and Overtime Pay
    • Employee Benefits
    • Workplace Safety and Health
    • Nondiscrimination
    • Immigration Laws
    • Example Scenarios and Compliance Strategies​​.
  • Data Protection and Privacy Laws
    • Understanding U.S. Data Protection Laws
    • Global Data Protection Regulations
    • Data Collection and Usage
    • Data Security Measures
    • Breach Notification
    • Training and Compliance Programs
    • Example Scenarios and Legal Compliance​​.
  • Insurance Coverage
    • Property/Casualty Insurance
    • Business Owners Policies (BOPs)
    • Monoline Policies
    • Casualty Insurance
    • Business Interruption Insurance
    • Commercial Auto Insurance
    • Workers’ Compensation Insurance
    • New York Disability Benefits Law (NYDBL)
    • Excess Liability (Umbrella Policy)
    • Employment Practices Liability
    • Officer and Director Liability
    • Home Office Insurance
    • Key Person Insurance
    • Professional Liability Insurance
    • Additional Resources and Compliance​​.
  • Intellectual Property Protection
    • Overview of Intellectual Property Protection
    • Trademarks and Patents
    • Copyrights
    • Trade Secrets
    • Management and Enforcement of IP​​.
  • Online Business Laws
    • E-Commerce Regulations: Digital Contracts and Consumer Rights
    • Taxation in the Digital Marketplace
    • Website Compliance
    • Accessibility Compliance
    • Consumer Protection Laws
    • Example Scenarios and Legal Implications​​.

While it is true that starting a new business venture can be filled with excitement and adventure, it can also be one filled with many challenges. That is why it’s important to ground this enthusiasm with a solid understanding of the legal obligations that come with starting and operating a business. Neglecting these obligations can lead to costly problems down the line. This article explores key legal aspects every business owner should consider to ensure a smooth and compliant business journey. While this is far from an exhaustive list, it covers key areas that every business should definitely be aware of.

1. Business Registration and Structure: The process of registering your business is one of the first steps on your journey. This involves selecting a suitable business structure, which can be a sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC), or corporation. Each type has specific implications:

Sole Proprietorship: Simplest form, suitable for a business owned and operated by one person. Liability is not separate from the owner’s personal assets.

Partnership: Ideal for businesses owned by two or more individuals. There are several kinds, like general partnerships and limited partnerships, each with different liability and tax implications.

LLC: Offers liability protection like a corporation but with the tax benefits similar to a partnership or sole proprietor

Corporation (S-Corp or C-Corp): Provides the most liability protection, separates personal assets from the business, but involves more complex tax rules and regulations.

For specific information and guidelines, it’s beneficial to visit your home state’s official business website. For example, in New York, the New York State Business Website offers comprehensive information on business registration, licenses, and permits. For other states, you can find a directory of official state websites at USA.gov State Governments.

Consulting with a tax professional is crucial due to the intricate tax implications associated with different structures. They can offer personalized advice to ensure that your choice aligns with your business needs and personal liability considerations.

For example, if you’re starting a small consulting business and plan to be the sole owner, a sole proprietorship or LLC might be a the best choice. However, if you’re launching a tech startup with significant liability risks and potential investors, a corporation might be more suitable.

Each state has its own specific registration process, fees, and legal requirements. It’s important to comply with both state and local regulations, which can vary significantly. For instance, some cities require additional business licenses or permits.

In summary, the choice of business structure has long-term implications on your legal liability, tax obligations, and operational flexibility. It’s a decision that should be made with careful consideration and professional guidance.

2. Licenses and Permits: Depending on your business type and location, various licenses and permits may be required. These can range from a general business operating license to specific permits for activities like manufacturing, environmental compliance, and health and safety.

  1. General Business License: Often required just to operate legally in your city or county. The requirements vary by local government.
  1. Zoning and Land Use Permits: If your business operates from a physical location, it’s essential to ensure that the area is zoned for your type of business. For example, operating a retail store in a zone designated for residential use could lead to legal issues.
  1. Health Department Permits: Necessary if your business involves food preparation or sale, including restaurants, food trucks, and catering services.
  1. Professional Licenses: Certain professions, like legal, medical, accounting, and various trades (electricians, plumbers), require state-issued professional licenses.
  1. Environmental Permits: If your business operations could impact the environment, such as manufacturing or waste disposal, you may need permits from state or federal environmental agencies.
  1. Sales Tax License: Required for businesses that sell goods and services subject to sales tax.
  1. Special Federal Business Licenses or Permits: If your business activities are regulated by a federal agency (e.g., selling alcohol, firearms, commercial fishing), you’ll need specific federal permits or licenses.

Example Scenarios:

If you’re opening a restaurant in Albany, New York, you’ll need to check with the Albany County Health Department for health and safety permits, the New York State Liquor Authority for a liquor license, and possibly the local fire department for a safety permit.

For an e-commerce business, you may require a home business permit from your local government and a sales tax license from the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance.

If you’re starting an accounting firm, you’ll need to obtain the necessary professional licenses from the New York State Education Department’s Office of the Professions.

Navigating these requirements can be complex, and it’s often beneficial to consult with legal professionals specializing in business law. They can help ensure that you obtain all necessary licenses and permits, avoiding potential fines and legal issues.

3. Employment Laws: Compliance with various employment laws is crucial when your startup hires employees. These laws ensure fair treatment of employees and protect both the employer and the employees.

  1. Minimum Wage and Overtime Pay: As dictated by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), employees must be paid at least the federal minimum wage and overtime at 1.5 times the regular rate for hours worked beyond 40 in a workweek, unless exempt. However, many states, including New York, have their own minimum wage laws that may be higher than the federal minimum. For up-to-date information on New York’s minimum wage rates, you can visit the New York State Department of Labor Minimum Wage page.
  1. Employee Benefits: Depending on your business size and location, you may need to provide certain benefits like health insurance, family and medical leave, or disability insurance.
  1. Workplace Safety and Health: Under OSHA, you’re responsible for providing a safe and healthy workplace. This includes following industry-specific regulations, conducting safety training, and reporting certain incidents.
  1. Nondiscrimination: Federal EEO laws prohibit discrimination in the workplace based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or genetic information.
  2. Immigration Laws: You must verify an employee’s eligibility to work in the U.S. by completing Form I-9 and comply with visa requirements for non-citizens.

Example Scenarios:

If you’re starting a tech company in New York City, you need to ensure software developers’ salaries meet the minimum exempt salary threshold for the overtime exemption under the FLSA. You must also follow OSHA safety protocols, even in an office setting.

For a construction business, you must adhere to OSHA safety regulations specific to construction, including providing safety training and equipment.

If your business is a retail store in Buffalo, you must follow both federal and New York State laws regarding minimum wage, which might be higher than the federal minimum. New York’s specific regulations on scheduling, break times, and other labor laws applicable to retail workers must also be considered.

Employment laws can vary significantly from state to state. To ensure compliance, consulting with an employment lawyer or a human resources professional is advisable. They can assist with creating employee handbooks, setting up proper payroll systems, and advising on best HR management practices. It’s also important to stay informed about changes in employment laws, as they are often updated.

4. Data Protection and Privacy Laws: In today’s digital age, compliance with data protection laws is crucial for businesses, especially those handling customer or employee data.

  1. Understanding Data Protection Laws: In the U.S., there is no single federal law governing data protection. However, various federal laws apply to specific sectors, like the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) for health information, and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) for educational records. In addition to federal laws, many states have their own data protection regulations. For example, New York State has the “Stop Hacks and Improve Electronic Data Security” (SHIELD) Act, which requires businesses to implement specific security measures to protect residents’ private information.
  1. Global Data Protection Regulations: If your business operates internationally or handles data from overseas customers, you must also comply with international data protection laws. The most notable is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union, which imposes strict rules on data handling and grants significant rights to individuals regarding their personal data.
  1. Data Collection and Usage: Businesses must be transparent about how they collect, use, store, and share personal data. This typically involves drafting clear privacy policies and obtaining explicit consent from individuals before collecting their data.
  1. Data Security Measures: Implementing robust security measures to protect data from unauthorized access and breaches is mandatory. This includes physical, technical, and administrative safeguards.
  1. Breach Notification: Many laws require businesses to notify individuals and authorities in case of a data breach. For instance, under the SHIELD Act, New York businesses must notify affected New York residents when their private information is compromised.
  2. Training and Compliance Programs: Regular training for employees on data protection policies and compliance is crucial. Also, implementing and regularly reviewing a comprehensive data protection compliance program is necessary.

Example Scenarios:

If your startup is an e-commerce platform based in New York, you must comply with the SHIELD Act by ensuring the security of your customers’ personal information and having a breach notification protocol in place.

For a business offering online educational courses, compliance with FERPA is essential if you handle educational records of students in the United States. You would need to establish procedures for handling these records securely and maintaining confidentiality.

If your business markets products to customers in the EU, you must align with GDPR regulations. This includes obtaining explicit consent for data collection, enabling customers to access their data, and providing the option to delete their data upon request.

For detailed information and guidance on New York’s data protection laws, businesses can refer to the New York State Office of Information Technology Services. Additionally, consulting with a legal professional specializing in data protection and privacy laws is advisable to ensure full compliance and to keep updated with the constantly evolving legal landscape in this area.

5.  Insurance Coverage

Insurance coverage is a critical aspect for any new business, providing vital protection against a variety of risks and liabilities. Understanding the different types of business insurance and their specific applications is crucial for entrepreneurs, especially in the context of legal and regulatory compliance.

  1. Property/Casualty Insurance: This type of insurance is essential for small businesses to protect their assets, replace property damaged by loss or theft, cover liability for negligent acts, and provide for lost income. It also includes coverage for auto, workers’ compensation, and crime​​.
  2. Business Owners Policies (BOPs): These policies bundle property and liability coverage, offering broad coverage with affordable premiums. BOPs can be tailored to fit specific business needs, such as different requirements for a furniture store versus a restaurant​​.
  3. Monoline Policies: These provide a single line of insurance, like fire, liability, or auto. Sometimes, businesses might need to purchase property and liability coverage separately if package policies are unavailable for their type of risk​​.
  4. Casualty Insurance: Also known as Liability insurance, this covers your business in case of negligence causing bodily injury or property damage to others. It’s crucial for businesses as it covers the cost of lawsuits stemming from accidents and other claims like libel, slander, and false advertising​​.
  5. Business Interruption Insurance: This insurance provides funds to cover your fixed expenses and lost business income during periods when your business is not operational due to damage or destruction of property​​.
  6. Commercial Auto Insurance: This covers vehicles owned by your business for both liability and physical damage. It also includes non-owned automobile coverage for personal vehicles used for company business, which is essential if employees use their vehicles for work-related tasks​​.
  7. Workers’ Compensation Insurance: This is mandatory in many states, covering workers against job-related accidents or diseases. It pays for medical bills, disability income benefits, and death benefits to dependents of an employee whose death is job-related​​.
  8. New York Disability Benefits Law (NYDBL): In New York, this law mandates disability income for employee injury or illness off-the-job, providing wage continuation starting after the seventh day of off-the-job illness or injury and continuing for up to six months​​.
  9. Excess Liability (Umbrella Policy): This provides additional coverage when a lawsuit exceeds the limits of your primary liability protection. It’s important for protecting against large claims that surpass your basic policy limits​​.
  10. Employment Practices Liability: This insurance is increasingly important, covering claims from employees alleging wrongful termination, job discrimination, and other employment-related issues​​.
  11. Officer and Director Liability: This covers personal liabilities that officers and directors of a corporation may incur due to their actions on behalf of the company​​.
  12. Home Office Insurance: For businesses operated from home, it’s vital to update homeowners’ insurance policies to include coverage for office equipment and business liability​​.
  13. Key Person Insurance: Essential for businesses where certain individuals are critical to operations. This insurance is often required by banks or government loan programs and helps ensure business continuity during ownership transitions​​.
  14. Professional Liability Insurance: For professionals like physicians, nurses, attorneys, or architects, this insurance covers negligent acts occurring as professional services are performed​​.

Source: https://www.dfs.ny.gov/consumers/small_businesses

Additional Resources and Compliance

U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA): The SBA website provides guidance on types of business insurance required by law, including workers’ compensation, unemployment, and disability insurance. It also offers information on additional types of insurance that businesses might need​​​​.

State-Specific Requirements: Laws regarding business insurance vary by state. Entrepreneurs should consult their state’s official websites for specific requirements. For example, in New York State, specific guidelines and resources are available through websites like the Department of Financial Services and the official New York State website​​​​.

For entrepreneurs in New York, a valuable resource for understanding state-specific insurance requirements is the New York State Department of Financial Services (www.dfs.ny.gov), which provides comprehensive information about various insurance policies and their applications for small businesses. Additionally, the official website of New York State (www.ny.gov) offers insights into licensing, permitting, and required insurance, including Unemployment Insurance obtained through the NYS Department of Labor.

For federal-level guidance, the U.S. Small Business Administration (www.sba.gov) is an invaluable resource, providing details about mandatory insurance types like workers’ compensation and offering a broader perspective on various business insurance options suitable for different types of businesses.


  1. Property Insurance: To cover your new kitchen equipment and renovations against fire, theft, or damage.
  2. Workers’ Compensation: Mandatory in New York, this will cover your employees in case of job-related injuries.
  3. General Liability Insurance: To protect against potential lawsuits if, for instance, a delivery person slips and falls in your kitchen.
  4. Commercial Auto Insurance: For your delivery vehicle, covering both liability and physical damage.
  5. New York Disability Benefits Law Coverage: Providing off-the-job injury or illness benefits for your employees.
  6. Business Interruption Insurance: To cover ongoing expenses and lost income if your kitchen has to close temporarily due to damage.
  7. Professional Liability Insurance: Since you’re offering catering services, this covers you against claims of negligence or failure to deliver services as promised.

6. Intellectual Property Protection

  1. Intellectual Property (IP) Protection is vital for safeguarding a business’s unique creations and competitive edge. Here’s a detailed look at its components:
  1. Trademarks and Patents: Trademarks protect brand identifiers like logos and slogans. Patents protect inventions and new products, preventing others from making, using, or selling the invention without permission.

Example: A tech startup patents a unique software algorithm while trademarking its brand name and logo to ensure market exclusivity and brand recognition.

Copyrights: Copyrights protect original works like written materials, software, and creative content, granting exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, and display the work.

Example: A digital marketing agency copyrights its custom-designed web content and advertising copy to prevent competitors from copying their unique style.

Trade Secrets: Trade secrets involve confidential business information that provides a competitive edge, such as recipes, processes, or methods.

Example: A food and beverage company keeps its recipe for a popular beverage as a trade secret, ensuring it remains unique in the market.

Properly managing IP involves legal steps for registration and enforcement. Consulting with an IP attorney can provide guidance on how to best protect these assets. Additionally, using non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) with employees and partners is crucial for safeguarding trade secrets.

For detailed information on copyright protection for businesses, the U.S. Copyright Office provides extensive resources and guidance. You can access their wealth of information and services at: https://www.copyright.gov/

Additionally, for businesses looking into trademarks and patents, the United States Patent and Trademark Office is the primary resource. They offer comprehensive assistance on various aspects of patent and trademark registration and protection. Their website can be visited at: https://www.uspto.gov. ​

7. Online Business Laws

The digital marketplace has revolutionized the way businesses operate, offering unprecedented opportunities for growth and expansion. However, navigating the complex web of online business laws is crucial for any e-commerce venture. Understanding these laws not only ensures legal compliance but also builds customer trust and protects your business from potential legal issues.

  1. E-Commerce Regulations: Digital Contracts and Consumer Rights

In the realm of e-commerce, regulations play a pivotal role. These laws govern everything from digital contracts to taxation, ensuring that transactions are fair, transparent, and legally binding.

When a customer makes an online purchase, they enter into a digital contract with the seller. This contract, though not physically signed, is legally binding. It’s essential that these digital contracts are clear and accessible, outlining terms of service, return policies, and warranty information. Additionally, consumer rights need to be respected, which means ensuring that products or services are as described and meet quality standards.

  1. Taxation in the Digital Marketplace

Taxation in e-commerce can be complex, especially when selling to customers in different states or countries. Businesses must be aware of and comply with various tax laws, including sales tax, VAT, and GST, depending on their location and the location of their customers. Staying informed about tax regulations is crucial to avoid penalties and legal complications.

  1. Website Compliance: More Than Just a Technical Necessity

Your website is not just a sales platform; it’s a representation of your compliance with various laws. Ensuring that your website adheres to legal standards is not just about avoiding legal repercussions; it’s about creating a safe and accessible environment for your customers.

  1. Accessibility Compliance

Accessibility in website design ensures that all potential customers, including those with disabilities, can use your site effectively. This includes features like screen reader compatibility, keyboard navigation, and alternative text for images. Not complying with accessibility laws can lead to lawsuits and damage your brand’s reputation.

  1. Consumer Protection Laws

These laws are designed to protect customers from fraudulent or unfair business practices. Your website must comply with these laws by providing accurate product descriptions, transparent pricing, and secure payment gateways. Additionally, privacy laws like GDPR or CCPA require websites to handle customer data responsibly.

Example Scenarios

  1. Digital Contract Dispute: A customer claims they were not aware of the no-return policy on a digital product they purchased. The business successfully defends itself by providing clear evidence that the policy was clearly stated at the checkout and within their terms of service, highlighting the importance of transparent digital contracts.
  2. Taxation Issue: An e-commerce store faces penalties for not collecting sales tax from customers in a particular state. The business was unaware of the state’s recent e-commerce tax law changes. This scenario underscores the need for ongoing awareness and adaptation to tax laws in different jurisdictions.
  3. Accessibility Lawsuit: A visually impaired user sues an online store for not having a screen reader-friendly website. The lawsuit could have been avoided if the website had followed accessibility guidelines, demonstrating the legal and ethical importance of inclusive web design.
  4. Data Privacy Violation: A website faces fines for selling customer data without consent, violating GDPR regulations. This highlights the critical nature of adhering to data protection laws and respecting customer privacy.
  5. Navigating online business laws requires diligence, awareness, and adaptability. By understanding and complying with these laws, businesses can create a robust, ethical, and legally compliant online presence, fostering a trustworthy relationship with their customers.
  • U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA): This is a United States government agency that provides support to entrepreneurs and small businesses. The SBA’s website sba.gov offers a wealth of information on starting and managing an online business, including legal considerations and compliance issues.
  • Internal Revenue Service (IRS): For information regarding taxation, especially for e-commerce businesses, the IRS website irs.gov is a crucial resource. It provides guidelines on federal tax obligations for online businesses.
  • Federal Trade Commission (FTC): The FTC website ftc.gov offers information on consumer protection laws, online advertising standards, and e-commerce regulations. They provide guidelines on how to conduct business in compliance with federal laws.
  • New York State Department of Taxation and Finance: For state-specific tax information, visit the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance at tax.ny.gov. This site provides details on sales tax requirements for online sales and other tax obligations for businesses operating in New York.
  • New York State’s Official Website: ny.gov offers resources and information for businesses operating within the state, including legal requirements, business registration, and compliance issues specific to New York State.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): For accessibility compliance, the ADA website provides guidelines. While it’s a federal law, compliance is essential for businesses in all states, including New York. You can visit ada.gov for more information.
  • New York State Office of Information Technology Services: For technology and digital compliance in New York, visit its.ny.gov. They provide state-specific guidelines on digital services, including website accessibility standards.


While starting a business can be a rewarding experience, it comes with many legal obligations. Ignoring them or failing to know what they are can put all your hard work in peril. Developing a well thought out plan to comply with these business oriented laws are an essential part in assuring your business venture is a profitable and successful one. Many best wishes for your successful and prosperous journey.

For a free business consultation contact us here.

More Resources

Small Business Start-Up Kit, The: A Step-by-Step Legal Guide Paperback – February 25, 2020 by Peri Pakroo J.D.

Harvard Business Law

Should You Start Your Own Business