Opening a New Restaurant: 3 Things You Should Do First

The restaurant industry is more competitive than ever. Aspiring restaurant owners face big challenges, from picking the right location, getting the word out to consumers, preparing their menus and everything that is part of their launch. There is so much to do and everything is on the line, and there is little space for errors. However, a well-thought-out approach can substantially mitigate these risks, setting the stage for a successful business.

Here we go into three pivotal elements that can make or break your restaurant business:

  1. Perfecting Your Business in the Neighborhood You Are Located
  2. Leveraging Social Media for Business Openings
  3. Choosing Between a Pop-Up and a Soft Launch

1. Perfecting Your Business in the Neighborhood You Are Located

Understand the Local Market

Before you even start crafting your menu or designing the interior, it’s crucial to have a deep understanding of the local market. It is so important you research your competitors. But not any competitor, but the successful ones.  I’m sure you’ve noticed this before: two restaurants not too far from each other, one may not look as aesthetically pleasing as the other but it’s full to capacity as the other nice looking one is just empty.  That can be for many reasons, like the menu and chef are just better in one restaurant than the other.

However, visiting these establishments I noticed one thing: Some décor schemes may feel put “offish” for potential customers. That is why it is important to study the neighborhood demographics, and identify gaps that your restaurant can fill. Is there a demand for a particular cuisine? What is the average income level in the neighborhood? Answers to these questions will inform your business model, from pricing to menu selection.  

Build Relationships

The importance of building strong relationships within your local community cannot be overstated. Establish partnerships with local suppliers, engage with community leaders, and consider joining the local Chamber of Commerce. These relationships can offer invaluable support and credibility to your establishment.

Tailor Your Offering

Your restaurant should reflect the unique characteristics and needs of the community. Be prepared to adapt your business model, menu, and marketing strategies according to local preferences and trends. Remember, word-of-mouth is powerful; if you resonate well with your local community, the news will spread, bringing in more customers from surrounding areas.

2. Leveraging Social Media for Business Openings

Build Anticipation

Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter offer cost-effective ways to create a buzz around your upcoming restaurant. Start by setting up your profiles at least two to three months before your planned opening. Post regular updates featuring behind-the-scenes content, menu teasers, and promotional offers. Engage with your audience through polls, questions, and interactive stories to keep them invested in your journey.

Collaborate with Influencers

Consider partnering with local food bloggers or influencers to reach a broader audience. Influencer marketing can provide a sense of authenticity and endorsement that traditional advertising often lacks. Choose influencers whose followers align with your target market for maximum impact.

Monitor and Adapt

Keep an eye on local trends to understand what’s resonating with your potential customers. Use this information to refine your social media strategy, ensuring you’re reaching your intended market.

3. Pop-Up vs. Soft Launch: The Verdict

Pop-Up Restaurants

Pop-ups offer a low-risk, high-reward strategy for testing your concept without the financial burden of a full-fledged restaurant. They allow you to gauge customer reaction, menu performance, and operational efficiencies. However, the temporary nature of pop-ups means you may not build as strong a customer base as you would with a permanent location.

Soft Launch

A soft launch involves opening your restaurant to a limited audience before the official public opening. This approach enables you to troubleshoot issues in a less stressful environment. It also allows you to gather feedback and make necessary adjustments. However, a poorly executed soft launch can have lasting negative repercussions on your brand.


While both have their merits, a soft launch generally offers a more stable and controlled environment for fine-tuning your operations. If you’re confident in your concept and are ready to commit, a soft launch can provide the foundation for a successful long-term business.


A new restaurant faces many challenges but a well planned approach that focuses on your local market, an effective social media campaign, and a strategic launch can set you on the path to success. Take the time to understand your community, check out your successful competitors (don’t always try to reinvent the wheel but don’t just copy and paste either) leverage the power of digital media, and choose a launch strategy that aligns with your business goals and financial situation.. In doing so, you’re not just opening a restaurant, you’re building a brand that can put you above the rest. 

More Information

If you have never operated a restaurant before, it is important to educate yourself on every aspect you will eventually encounter.  Checkout Wilson K. Lee’s YouTube channel that is filled with solid knowledge and advice. 

Also checkout this great book, Setting the Table: The Transforming Power of Hospitality in Business by Danny Meyer in which he breaks down the philosophy he calls “Enlightened Hospitality” and why every restaurant should implement it.

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