Starting your own business is a big deal, and there are many reasons why people do it. Some people want to be their own boss, set their own hours, or pursue their passions. Others do it to make more money. For some, starting a business is about freedom. For others, it’s a more calculated decision to get a better work-life balance, earn more money, work from anywhere, drive fancy cars or travel the world.

Successful Entrepreneurs Are Goal-Oriented

Understanding your motivation for starting a business will help you plan and run the type of business you want.

Successful business owners are goal-oriented in their planning and execution. They achieve this by following a roadmap guided by their goals. This roadmap or plan outlines your goals and the  strategies, and tactics for achieving them. It can be used for anything from career planning to personal development. A well-written and documented plan can help you stay focused and on track, and it can also be a valuable tool for reflection and growth.. I am committed to empowering small businesses by sharing foundational insights developed from what I call the “small business advocate.”

The problem for many is how they perceive entrepreneurship. Social media and reality shows portray business ownership as glamorous, and omits the hard work behind the scenes while disparaging 9-to-fivers. The truth that it’s honorable to work a regular job and entrepreneurship is just not for everyone.

Therefore, it is important to identify your personal goals and motivations before embarking on this journey. 

Why I Became A Business Owner

Like many, my motivation to become a business owner was financial freedom.    I grew up in the Bushwick section in Brooklyn during the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. Buswhick was one of the more drug infested areas. I was raised by a single mom that worked long hours as a nurse. She later transitioned into becoming a teacher. There were struggles but she always provided for my siblings and I.  

Watching my mom struggle while being a nurse and transitioning to a teacher position motivated me to be a hard worker. But it also motivated me to one day own my business as a way to climb out of poverty.  The road to entrepreneurship was not an easy one.  And, when I look back, I wish I had the knowledge, mentorship  and resources I have today.  My experience motivates me to help others achieve their personal and entrepreneurship goals. 

Understanding Your Goals And Motivation

First, identify what drives you to be your own boss.  Understanding your motivation and what pushes you forward is key to identifying your business goals. Among the things you should consider is how will your decision to pursue these goals change your life and potentially the life of those around you.  Take a moment to share these ideas with family and friends. Involving the people in your support network in such a life-changing decision will also help to address any difficulties they may face when you make the transition to owning your own business and how it may affect them.

Here are some additional tips for successful entrepreneurship:

  • Be passionate about your business.
  • Be willing to learn and adapt.
  • Be a good communicator.
  • Build a strong team.
  • Be persistent.
  • You will make mistakes.  Learn from them.
  • Never, ever, give up.

Some resources for your journey

Owner Shift: How Getting Selfish Got Me Unstuck

Bigger & Better: A Playbook for Quickly Scaling Your Small Company with Limited Resources

If you want to get on a call with me to discuss your ideas and plans, contact me.