Technology Changed My Life. From Self-Taught Skills to Online Xsitement

My Journey in Tech: From Self-Taught Skills to Online Xsitement

Hi, I’m Harold Lopez. My path in the tech world is a bit unconventional, but it’s been an incredible ride. I didn’t go through formal education in technology; instead, I taught myself various skills like Python, HTML, and web design. I also ventured into full-stack development and special effects (SFX). Eventually, I founded Online Xsitement, a design and tech agency that has had the opportunity to work with various companies and startups. Here’s a bit more about my journey.

Learning the Ropes

I’ve always been curious about how things work, especially when it comes to technology. So, I started learning coding languages like Python and HTML on my own. I also got into web design and full-stack development. Over time, I added special effects (SFX) to my skill set. I won’t say I’m a genius or anything; I just put in the time to learn.

Starting Online Xsitement

After acquiring a diverse range of skills, I thought it would be great to put them to use in a more structured way. That’s when I started Online Xsitement. The agency offers a variety of services, from web applications to mobile apps. It’s been a fulfilling experience to provide solutions that help companies grow their operations.

Working with Companies and Startups

Through Online Xsitement, I’ve had the chance to collaborate with dozens of companies and startups. The goal has always been to understand their unique challenges and offer tailored tech solutions. I’ve seen firsthand how the right tech strategies can positively impact a company’s bottom line, and it’s rewarding to be a part of that process.

What’s Next?

The tech landscape is always changing, and we at Online Xsitement are committed to keeping up with it. We are continuously learning and adapting, both personally and through ouragency. Online Xsitement has plans to expand into new areas, and we are excited about what the future holds.


My journey in tech has been a series of self-taught lessons and real-world applications. I’m grateful for the opportunities I’ve had and the companies I’ve been able to assist. I’m not setting out to change the world, but if I can help businesses improve and grow through technology, then that’s a win in my book.